CA: CDCR to Request CA Supreme Court Review of Prop. 57 Case

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) will request review by the California Supreme Court of their most recent loss in a Proposition 57 case, ACSOL v. CDCR. That loss took place on Feb. 13 when the Third Appellate District Court of Appeal affirmed the trial court’s decision that determined CDCR’s regulations implementing Prop. 57 were unlawful.

CDCR’s deadline for requesting the Court’s review is March 24 and it is likely that the Court will grant review of that case. Thus far, the CA Supreme Court has granted review of three similar appellate court decisions. The first Prop. 57 case which the CA Supreme Court agreed to review is Gadlin, S. 254599. All briefs have been filed in that case, however, oral arguments have not yet been scheduled.

The CA Supreme Court subsequently agreed to review both the Shuster, S-260024, and Muhammad, S-259999, cases on Feb. 19, 2020. The Court has placed on hold all proceedings for those two cases until they render a decision in the Gadlin case. If that court agrees to review the ACSOL decision, it is likely that the proceedings of that case will also be put on hold.

“CDCR’s decision to request review of yet another Prop. 57 decision will result in continued harm to thousands of registrants in custody who are being denied early consideration for parole,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “We hope that the CA Supreme Court will quickly issue a decision favorable to registrants in the Gadlin case.”

Decision – Appeal – Feb 2020

Order – Final – March 2018

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Good. Should be a simple case. There was nothing about about RC’s at the ballot. Law is about technicalities, not intentions. You want to change this, put the amendment on the ballot.

i hope they must pay Janice BIG $$$$$$$ dam goverment smucks

Are thee any OTHER ballot initiatives that we should be aware of that will appear in November that could hurt us?

On the registry since ’93. You do the math.

I’m waiting for Jan 1, 2021 for the opportunity to come off the registry. If I understand what I’ve read, I think I have a good shot.

I know full well that there are people now on the registry now who signed contracts with the state, at the time of their convictions, saying they did NOT have to register… Those were eradicated with the stroke a legislative pen.

I’ve known all along as I waited, that new legislation could come along and wipe out this opportunity too.

The last opportunity I had was an appellate court decision more than five years ago. I hired a lawyer. He showed up in court without the points and citations of the decision… But he had the petition, and was given an extension to show them. During the time of the extension, the California supreme court set aside the appellate decision while they decided. The legislature then amended the law, rendering the supreme court review moot and closed that opportunity and arguement. Did he refund my fees? No. He offered to argue the case (for MORE fees) exactly as had just been denied by the amended law and the supreme court.

My point is that things change for us all the time and rapidly… While we play whack-a-mole.

I know I have said this before, but people are just dumb. Looking at CP at acting up on it are two entirely different entities. We all watch violent movies, we watch horror movies where people are being mutilated, tortured, killed, and the ratings are probably great for these type of movies. I am not a violent person, never was. I enjoy these movies regardless, but that does not make me a violent person. The mind is a weird thing, and nobody really understands it, it seems. I repeat, we do NOT act out non what we see on TV or in movies!! On a side note, this is how dumb people are. The sale of Corona beer has plummeted….you guessed it, because of the Corona Virus. That is a typical hyper pandemic of stupid, uneducated people.